Odessa Texas


Bro. Clydel Chapman

Over 50 Years of Service at Northside. Bro. Clydel Chapman and wife Fredia, were called to Northside Baptist Church in June 1966 as full time Minister of Music, Education, and Youth. Bro. Clydel was ordained as a minister in 1985. In 2000, the church called Bro. Clydel to be the 5th pastor of the church, which was organized in 1950. On Sunday. June 26, 2016, Northside Baptist Church celebrated the 50th year of Bro Clydel and Fredia serving at the church by hosting a surprise celebration which featured their three sons. Danny Chapman played the piano, Randy Chapman led in worship, all three sons and Bro. Clydel sang “Heaven Came Down” as the special music, and Jeff Chapman preached the service. The church gave Bro. Clydel and Fredia a love gift and provided a catered lunch from Big Daddy’s for the entire congregation following the service. It was a glorious day praising the Lord for His faithfulness and honoring His faithful servants. 

Gage Peterson, Youth Minister, Bi Vocational

Kenneth Spradley, Interim Music Director

Paula Freeman, Secretary

Helen Kirk, Nursery Coordinator